


Welcome to my website! My name is Peter Zelaskowski. Here you will find plenty of information about me, my services and my approach. Please take some time to take a look around and maybe even read some of my writing.

I am an experienced and active UKCP registered psychotherapist and lecturer based in Central Barcelona.  I am British and have lived and worked in and around Bacelona for over 20 years. To find out if I'm the right therapist for you, read about my services and check-out my working history and credentials.

I am a full member of the Group Analytic Society International and former Editor (2014-2021) of Group-Analytic Contexts. Also, I'm a full member of the Barcelona Network of English Speaking Therapists. Through being a member of the Universities Training College I'm a registered Psychotherapist with the United Kingdom Council for Psychotherapy (UKCP).













My fees are reasonable and can be varied according to your financial circumstances.

I offer a range of services including individual psychotherapy, group therapy and supervision.

I write an occasional BLOG which centres on issues of concern to those who have migrated to this region.

Weekly Adult Psychotherapy Groups
Monday or Tuesday evenings 
Autumn/Winter 2023/24




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